What is your favourite cartoon character or series during your childhood time?
Posted by Wyn at 2:11 PM 4 comments
Posted by Wyn at 4:05 PM 5 comments
I aked Woofy and my mama this question yesterday nite : "Ny(this is what i call Woofy, Heehee) , why they named 7-11 as 7-11 geh? Got special meaning?" and to my mama " Mama, y 7-11? Kenot other names 1 meh?" then Woofy answered me " Go search at Google laa.." and my mama " How i know? Find out urself laa"
Cheh...ask them but no answer...So, I go searched at Google for 7-11 and i got this....Hee hee...
Apparently, it was known as Tote'm then they changed the name to 7-11 because was to reflect the stores' new, extended hours - 7 a.m. until 11 p.m., seven days a week.
O.o That the meaning of 7-11 but why they open the store 24 hours instead of 7am to 11pm? Izzit in Malaysia only operate for 24 hours? Hmmmm.....
But anyway, now i know the meaning d....If interested, take a look here. ^0^
Posted by Wyn at 1:23 PM 7 comments
What is friends to you and how you define them? Have you ever met someone that you consider as your " friend" but they make ur life miserable? What are the roles that played by a friend in one's life and is there any category that differentiate types of friends?
Hmmmm...for me, there are few types of friends that you`ll meet in life. For example :
(i) True friend : friends that will support you, stand by ur side, care for you, etc throughout ur ups and downs
(ii)Childhood friend: friends that you grew up with...share alot of ur childhood times...
(iii)Hi-Bye friend : friends that are temporary in ur life...doesnt influence much in life
(iv)The strayer : friends that mix you with for sometime and good with you but after certain time, when they found someone new, they stray away from you and eventually, forgets bout u....
Well, those are the few categories that based on my own theory....I dunno why but I just have this in my mind since this morning...
Suddenly, i feel like missing something....Well, I used to have a lot of good memories with this friend of mine. I knew her since my kindergarten days. We shared alot of our ups and downs and we consider each other as best friend and vow to make it forever. We attend the same kindergarten, primary, secondary and even during our form 6. We also attend the same tuition class and also art class.
But happiness does not last long, when we attend our secondary, we seems to stray from each other alot. We doesnt communicate as much as we used to. She has her own group of friends and same goes with me. From childhood friends to best friends....and now to hi-bye friends....Sometimes, I wonder, what if we didnt stray from each other and keep maintaining our friendship like we used to be? Its sucha waste....
Its true...Nothing in this world is permanent...People come and go...World keeps changing and so do human...If you're lucky, you meet true friends and you're not, then its the other way round.
No matter where u meet your friends,may it be at primary school, secondary school, workplace or etc but when u have find it just appreciate it n care of the friendship. It may not b last forever but at least, they leave some "memories" or " impact" in ur life. =)
Posted by Wyn at 2:09 PM 9 comments
Its 1:15 pm as Im typing this and I dunno what i wanna do...No plan, no direction....So mou liu ler....
I think Im goin to "grow mushroom" soon d...I`ve been lepaking at home for the whole week d as im having my semester break now....Haih...can someone gimme sumthing to do or ajak me go kai kai? Hee hee...
Everyday doin the same thing....Wake up ard 10 am den accompany mum to market...Home ard 12pm den online till 3-4pm...take a short nap till Woofy home from work...Sometimes, will go for kai kai...and sometimes, watching tv at home...
I suddenly have the urge to study now...Life`s so miserable ler...When I`m studying, I alwis think of holiday...Now Im having holiday, I wanna study...Ish... =.=
What to do?? What to do??
Posted by Wyn at 1:14 PM 8 comments
This evening we went to the showroom to see cars, because we felt that we have the need to add a car into our collection. We saw the Ferrari F430, and we really love that car. We negotiated with the salesperson for so long to reduce the car price because we really wanted to buy that car. Hmm... After some time, finally we got a great deal from the salesperson, with some undertable money of course. Paid him RM50 for that.
After getting the official documents, we bring that car back home. Wahh.... She's sucha beauty!
Posted by Wyn at 11:08 PM 6 comments
Labels: Crappie, Toys n Gadgets
Anyone remember this soft drink, Kickapoo Joy Juice? It used to be one of my favorite soft drink during my childhood but after sometime, this soft drink kinda like disappear from the market.
Then, few year back, I found out that this soft drink still available.So, tunggu apa lagi, order laa...Keke...
Posted by Wyn at 11:26 PM 42 comments
Labels: Beverage
I received an email from a friend of mine few days ago. The content of the email was about this Rastafarian Dog. Anyone heard of it b4? Hmmmm...
This dog very cute in way that it look like a mop. Dun believe me? See the pics below...
Looked like a mop to you? So cute hor? but izzit really a new breed?
Posted by Wyn at 2:53 PM 3 comments
Labels: Doggie
Few days before my birthday, I received a letter from HD - Haagen-Dazs. At 1st i thought it was just news letter from them stating bout those new promotion or something but least to I expect, it was a discount voucher from them as "gift" for my birthday.
Although it's nth special but, hey, discount voucher for my next ice-cream treat. Not a bad idea at all. Hee Hee...can save a lot d. 30%,wei. Can have fondue for less than 50 buckz already. Nyek nyek...
Posted by Wyn at 12:42 AM 6 comments
Labels: Random
Last Thursday, I went to Gurney Plaza to buy my baby. Don't think sideways, it's actually buying my new laptop... Hehe.... Been looking for a laptop for some time already, and finally I bought this 1 - Compaq Presario V3000. Actually I have been favoring this model since end of last year, and after some serious considerations, in the end I got this laptop. YAY~~~
This is the packaging for the laptop. It's quite compact than what I expected. It's powered by AMD Turion 64 x2, which runs at 1.6GHz.The laptop bag and the freebies. I got a 1GB pendrive, a mouse pad and a blardy malfunctioned IBM mouse T_T
Yep, this is the baby. Shiny, isn't it? =)
Taa daa~~~
My shiny lil' baby. Running on Microsoft's hot new operating system - Windows Vista.
Posted by Wyn at 10:41 PM 8 comments
Labels: Toys n Gadgets
Continuing from the previous post. We drove for a few minutes and we reached the French Village. Well, at the time we`re the village, there's nothing much happening except for few tourists walking around and some having a break at nearby coffee houses. Maybe due to our weekdays visit but during weekends, there'll be a lot of activities there.
Posted by Wyn at 11:53 PM 3 comments
Labels: Going Places, Interesting Places
We went to Bukit Tinggi on 11th Dec last year during my short stay at KL. It's a one day trip for us.
On that day, Woofy need to attend his morning class. So, Im left at home to prepare our needs for the trip. I made some tuna and egg sandwiches for us as breaky and eat it in the car during our journey.
Posted by Wyn at 3:37 PM 6 comments
Labels: Going Places, Interesting Places
After we left there, we pass tru Kampar where we saw alot of colorful grave. Too bad, didn't manage to take picture. Anyway, after that it was around 5 ++ pm by then. Woofy suggested that we had our so-called-dinner at Ipoh.
We reached Ipoh around 6 pm. Geez, itz been a long time since i went to Ipoh. Alot of thing has changed. For example, Tesco Ipoh. The last time when i was there, Tesco wasnt not there. Must go Ipoh more often d. ( hor hor, if you're reading this , M***) heehee
So, after rounding Ipoh in search of The Old Town (i also dunno where). We went here to makan.
I remember I went there to makan b4 few years back.
Posted by Wyn at 8:46 PM 6 comments
Labels: Food, Going Places, Perak
Today, 22 years ago, a baby girl was born to a couple who lives in a small town, Penang. She’s their 1st born child and the only child. She was given the best of everything that the couple could afford. They give her endless care, support, love, attention, protection and concern. When the girl is unhappy, they will try their best to make her happy and when she is happy, they will be the one who cheer with her. When she’s sick, they will be the one who worried her the most. She’s like the gem or diamond to her parents. She gets everything that she desire.
During her school days, her parents will be the one who gets more excited than her during the 1st day of each year. When she can’t do her homework, her parents will be there to guide her and support her and even help her to do her homework. When she fails in her studies, her parents will not scold her but rather give her advice on what to do in the future.
Now when she grew older, she vowed that, she will give the best to both of her parents in the future and to repay back them for they had done to her even thou it is impossible to repay everything that her parents had done for her. She tries to be the best daughter to her parents and wants to make her parents proud.
So, here I am today, the baby girl who is 22 years old, I know I still haven’t done anything that make my parents proud but always make them worry. But, I would like my parents to know, that I trying hard to study well and to become a better person in the future. A person who can provide the best for them for what they had done for me. A person who they rely to. A person who will take care of them forever. A person who love them forever. A person who support them like how they support me through out my life.
I would like to thank you my parents for giving me the best of everything. For their love, concern, protection, care and support. For their time and tolerance when I’m throwing tantrums. Thank you for bring me to this world and give me the chance to be your daughter.
I would like to say this to both my parents,
"Mama and Papa, I love you."
Posted by Wyn at 12:00 AM 11 comments