After we left the lil' cutie "monkey"...we came to this section where they display lotsa lotsa fishes...and what greet us there was this huge huge tall tank full of fishes...
As we walked along, we saw variety of fishes....and what caught our attention was this "weird weird" fish and the arowana..and this square square fish....
A kinda weird looking fish with long long body...
The arowana
The square square fish
After that, there's an aquarium tunnel...As you walk inside the tunnel, you'll be surrounded with lotsa fishes....It's an amazing experience....
wah so nice!!!
eh that fish where got square??? ti(p)u one!!!
and the shark very amazing!
u din see any nemos there meh?
hee hee....hi there...
got laa...dat fish really square square ti(p)u 1...
no leh...cant see any nemo there...
The dot dot on the so called square-square fish looked like bee hives leh :P
The huge-huge shark looks so dumb geh? :P
ya meh , jiejie? lemme look look...
but to me hor, those dot dot looked like tadpole...hehe...
got a few shark no dumb dumb 1...but pic too blur d...haih..
tarak sad...
*bringing out magnifying glass*
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